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Over £500 Raised For Charity Animal Equality Through Online Lockdown Personal Training Classes

Updated: May 28, 2020

Our Coronavirus Lockdown Personal Training Online classes have kept us sane, fit and healthy and raised hundreds of pounds for Animal Equality. It's not too late If you'd like to donate please do so here.

We enjoyed a range of classes, including Yoga classes, Stretch and Flexibility classes, HIT classes and Core Blasts.

Animal Equality is my number one charity - they are a hugely effective charity, as the findings of independent charity auditing bodies have found. I know the money donated will go a long way. After all farmed animals suffer in the billions each year and they are the ones that we turn our eyes away from, as we consider it normal and acceptable that certain animals suffer abuse, confinement and an early death sentence, whereas we consider the death of a cat or a cat as many times more appalling.

Animal Equality have just launched a campaign to ban wet markets worldwide which has half a million signatures of support.

The classes have been so much fun. Thanks for joining me and for your hugely generous donations.

I hope you all stay safe and well, care for yourselves and care for all beings by leaving animals off your plate.

Please keep an eye out for further classes - see you there!



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